Muaj tswv yim tsim teeb pom kev zoo fixture hloov

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Features 124mm txoj kab uas hla iav ntxoov ntxoo thiab 127mm qhov siab.Lub iav Shade yog lub qhov ncauj tshuab thiab xuas tes ua, du nto thiab zoo lub teeb transmittance, ruaj thiab tsis yooj yim tawg.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Cov ntsiab lus technical

Creative Design Of Lighting Shade04

Yam khoom NUMBER









124 M.m. tau


1 27 mmm



Saib niaj hnub- Hloov kho koj lub teeb pom kev zoo nrog lub frosted seeded iav ntxoov ntxoo kom tau txais kev pom ntau dua.Nws tso cai rau qhov muag teev los tsim lub teeb ci sov, tiv thaiv koj ob lub qhov muag.

Creative Design Of Lighting Shade05
Creative Design Of Lighting Shade06

Elegant & Classic Tsim- Lub teeb ci iav coj lub teeb muag muag thiab ntxiv qhov zoo nkauj thiab tsis muaj sijhawm rau chav ua noj kob, chav pw, chav nyob, chav noj mov lossis chav dej.Qhov iav teeb pom kev zoo no zoo meej rau ntau lub tsev hauv qab ntxuam, phab ntsa sconces, saib iav heev lub teeb, pendant teeb pom kev zoo, kob teeb, chandeliers, qab nthab teeb, rooj teeb thiab flloor teeb.

Creative Design Of Lighting Shade02

PERFECT SET NTAWM ACCESSORIES- Hloov ntxoov ntxoo yog qhov zoo tagnrho rau cov teeb pom kev zoo, pendant, kob teeb, chandeliers, phab ntsa sconces lossis ib qho teeb pom kev zoo.Cov iav ntshiab yuav phim txhua yam xim lossis fifinish.Nws yuav cia lub teeb zoo nkauj thiab ci ntsa iab los ntawm

ZOO HEEV- Tsis txhob txhawj txog kev tuaj txog ntawm kev puas tsuaj, peb siv cov npuas qhwv los txhawb kev ntim khoom thiab peb muab kev hloov pauv dawb yog tias muaj qhov tsis xws luag.

INSTALLING- Iav Dome rau Lub Teeb Fixture Hloov: Koj tuaj yeem siv lub iav teeb ntxoov ntxoo ntawm chandelier, teeb pom kev zoo, teeb pendant lossis flfloor teeb, ntxiv elegant style rau chav ua noj, chav pw lossis chav dej.


Q: Lub teb chaws twg koj cov khoom raug xa tawm?
A: Peb tau muag peb cov khoom rau ntau lub teb chaws xws li USA, UK, GERMANY, SPAIN, NETHERLAND, RUSSIA, MEXICO, ETC

Q: Koj puas tau txais qee qhov kev nthuav qhia?
A: Peb feem ntau tuaj koom cov rooj sib tham xws li carton fairs.KH fairs.and peb muaj qee qhov kev npaj los mus koom cov kev nthuav qhia thoob plaws lub sijhawm thaum muaj kev sib kis yuav zoo dua.

Q: Koj lub sijhawm them nyiaj yog dab tsi?
A: Feem ntau 30% tso nyiaj, 70% tshuav nyiaj li cas tiv thaiv daim qauv ntawm cov ntawv xa khoom.

Q: Koj cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj yog dab tsi?
A: Kev lag luam 
Xov tooj: 15805115288 Wechat: 15805115288

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